Monday 12 November 2012

Charlemagne, Genghis
and the Knights Templar

The notion that Charlemagne  did not really exist is not new or shocking to present day historical ears. It is not exactly known at which time frame it was done, but most images and statues are later than the 16th century and served to underpin the position of Charles V. 

The few images that exist from the 13th century are very interesting indeed and give a clue as to the reason behind it. 

Above image is attributed to be Charlemagne, but a few parts of the image are odd and very interesting to note. 

1. The dress looks rather Slavic and not European.
2. Also the beards look Slavic
3. Charlemagne does not wear a crown but a Tiara.
4. The picture of the Roman Eagle looks both East and Westward.
5. The party met by Charlemagne are kings and one of them appears to be Asian.

The following painting made by Durer claims to come close to Charlemagne's real appearance. Again, notice the Eagle looking Eastward.

If the picture is from the 14th century it may very well in fact be a painting later attributed to Charlemagne. 

The resemblance with another image, which many researchers have dated to this period, but is placed further back in history is the following:

The features are Slavic also. The features can be enhanced somewhat giving a better result. The cloth is ultimately tied up to the Knights Templar, because it was found in possession of descendants of one of the Knights: Geoffrey the Charny, who died at the battle of Poitiers in 1356. But only in 1390 it is exposed to the public. Although the local bishop wrote to the then anti pope Clements VII that it was a fake, it was kept in the region until 1578 when it was moved to Turin. 

Not without co-incidence it ended up in the Cathedral of John the Baptist. 

The Knights Templar were the first order to be exempted and subject to the Pope only. In 1307 the order was accused of heresy:

 "when professing, the brothers were required to deny Christ, to spit on the Cross, and to place three 'obscene kisses' on the lower spine, the navel and the mouth; they were obliged to indulge in carnal relations with other members of the order, if requested; and finally they wore a small belt which had been consecrated by touching a strange idol, with looked like a human head with a long beard."

Strange that such an image was found  in the possession of one of the last Knights, who had been in a position to salvage exactly such an image. The charges are to be spurious though considering the motives of Philip II. 

There is an other record of professing loyalty in front of an image. When the Jochids under Baatu Khan and his general Subutai subdued the Russian princes they were required to prostrate themselves in front of an image of Genghis Khan. 

"When Michael of Chernigov arrived 'he was summoned before Batu and was made to pass between two fires and ordered to prostrate himself before the tablets of Genghis Khan. Michael replied that he did not object to do obeisance to Batu himself but to adore images of dead man was repugnant. As he persisted in his refusal, Batu ordered him to death."

But the one has nothing to do with the other. Apart from Batu Khan having to send away Buri and Guyuk sons of Ogedai Khan, the great Khan at that occasion, because they made fun of him being 'an old woman with a beard' (with Slavic features). Buri as well as Chagatai, who always had objected to the lineage of Jochi, were almost executed, but spared and sent to the far east wing of the empire (Siberia), never playing a role again. But Guyuk was given a second change. In the end though only the lineages of Jochi and Tolui featured in later history and their wives were sisters.

In fact the family of Genghis Khan had for generations married women of Turkic/Tartar descent. Even the wives of Genghis as well as Jochi and Tolui were of that descent. They had done so from the generation of Alan Gua, widow of Dobu Mergen. Her son Bodonchar Munhag was claimed to be conceived miraculously, which is why he is the only person in Genghis Khan's ancestry whose mother is named instead of his father. 

That means for 11 generations this family has married women of Slavic descent. 

The Turkic/tartar family of the Uruankhi brought their sons Subutai and Jelma at an early age to the family of Genghis Khan, which is odd, because 
Hoelan - also as a widow - did not have any appearance of Royalty and Power at the time. To the contrary, the family was almost casst out and only with help from the regions of the Caucasus helped in its ascendancy to power. The brother became the power behind the Khans and were part of a brotherhood of 9 generals. The similarity with the Knights Templar is striking.

These families from the Caucasus, many of which settled in Western Europe after the Mongol Conquest developed into wealthy banker dynasties. 

William of Orange's early ancestor Guilaume de Gelone came with Charlemagne and received territory in France as a liege. 

But Charlemagne is only a fathom figure placed in European history at a later date to conceal the origins of European nobility, but maintain the legacy. 

We also must not forget that the financial elite at the time were the Knights Templar. Admittedly this most powerful military force at the time, did very poorly against the Monguls. But admittedly also, there hardly was a war in Europe. At the moment of victory allegedly the Monguls backed out. The knights of Uryankhi Subutai and Jelme stayed behind, Subutai with a liege in Scotland and Jelme in France. 

William of Ruysbroeck in his account of the Mongols in fact says it in his own words. After explaining that the Khans do what they are told by a group of diviners, who always live opposite their courts: 

They predict lucky and unlucky days for the undertaking of all affairs; and so it is that they never assemble an army nor begin a war without their assent, and long since (the Mo'al) would have gone back to Hungary, but the diviners will not allow it.

The mongols had fulfilled their purpose. Create one domain with free trade, religious tolerance and huge technological and civil advancements. For the common man, who lived virtually as slaves bound to a local lord, this meant a huge step ahead. Not necessarily so for the local noblemen, who didn't keep up with the times. Virtually the whole nobility in a period of 200 hundred years was replaced with new families. It became suddenly very fashionable amongst nobility to have Slavic descent. 

All they had to do now was to erase their tracks. And here we have the main motive for the demise of the Knights Templar. Philip II was a major force in the rewriting of European history. Nationhood came up and France needed a convincing local history, with roots well beyond. 

Which explains why the key facts surrounding Charlemagne are so similar to those of Genghis Khan. 

Sunday 28 October 2012

Jean Hardouin

the peculiar case of 
Jean Hardouin

Our western history is to say the least, very problematic. That notion is not new. Quite a few literate man came after a long career into the subject to this verdict. One of such was Jean Hardouin. 

Jean Hardouin was a Jesuit living in the 17th century, who counted amongst the great church and council historians in France. At the end of an already long an celebrated career he gradually became convinced that most literary Greek items of the Renaissance were faked. 

Of course it is good to understand that at first he had a motive to arrive at such conclusions. The Renaissance was a precursor of the Reformation and a necessity for the Reformation to occur at all. From this point of view any sources which reformers as Luther, Calvin etc. used were by necessity suspect. Even Augustin didn't escape Jean Hardouin's attention merely by the fact that it was Luther's main source. 

Even though any catholic airing such views in his days would run into severe problems with the authorities, Jean Hardouin never had any problems like that, merely through the fact that his dogmatic view was thoroughly catholic and in fact the idea that there was only one source of authority in the Roman Church, namely that of the Pope, sustained his ideas. 

Yet, even though he was the main chronologist of the Church councils of this day, he was of the opinion that the Council of Trient was the first real council the others merely being spurious regional meetings called by civil authorities and not the Pope. 

The source of the fraud, according to Jean Hardioun,  was a small impious crew of manuscript and coin fakers, often in monasteries, under the authority of Frederic II in the 13th century and Philip II in France in the 14 century and later under the influence of the Medici Doges.

'There existed then an understanding of both civil and religious authority to not expose each others tampering with the antiquity of each others jurisdiction'. In other words they were faking the roots and age of their civilisation. 

Would it be possible to undertake such an enterprise? Jean Hardouin was convinced that as a matter of fact the total library of the Church fathers and ancient Greek writers was extremely limited and could very well have been fabricated within one generation. Thorough study of the Church fathers had convinced Jean Hardouin that they were merely repeats of the same subject and he went as far as to say that even the opponents of the Church (Montanists, Arianism etc.) were faked. 

Nevertheless when in the 16th century finally bible reading became a normal practise and precisely because it was previously forbidden was a cool thing to do, from 1300 until 1500 bible reading was limited to sections read in Church ceremonies and it is exactly during this period that the canon became established. The gospels again were more widely known and there were many of them. Knowledge about the old testament though was extremely limited at the time. 

There definitely are markers, which show at precisely which time the bible was written. The gospels for instance convey a society exactly as the new capitalist culture which arose in the 13th-15th century. The idea of nation hood arises frequently in the Old Testament psalms, but the concept was hardly known before 13th-15th century. A. Fomenko has in his 3rd volume of Chronology definitely convincingly calculated the exact horoscopes used in literature, art  of  'antiquity' and the bible and they all lead to the 13th-15th century. His 3rd volume is his most scientific solid book and conveys research already initiated by his parents.,_Holy_Roman_Emperor

What motive would Frederic II have had? 
When I read through his biography on Wikipedia I noticed that something essential was missing. Namely exactly during the years that allegedly the Mongols through Batu Khan had brought the whole of Eastern Europe to their knees, Western Europe allegedly occupy themselves with petty quarrels between the Emperor and the Pope and German princes and the Emperor. 

Events become a lot more clear if you investigate the idea that Frederic II was a whole lot more oriented towards the East as is acknowledged. The whole of Europe sees him as a traitor, who 'without fight' during the sixth crusade more or less gets Jerusalem given to him by the Sultan. And it is even related that this Jerusalem didn't have any walls at all. As the new Jerusalem as Frederic II would like it to be. 

The same attitude allegedly Frederic II had shown in exactly the years before towards Batu Khan. There was no fight, but an extremely diplomatic understanding between Batu Khan and Frederic II. 

He would become his falconer.

Moreover during and due to the Mongol conquests there had been a major shift in the upper European Nobility. All modern royal lines vanish into obscurity around this period, with the royal wifes having origins from the North of the Caucasus. These were exactly the families involved in the Renaissance. They took the opportunity of the newly important literature from Byzantium and further East, to rewrite them and conceal their own origins. Moreover by in the late Renaissance giving Europe a whole new Art, including a whole new allegedly Greek Art, they could portrait Europes origins as old and white. But in fact Europe had many colored people up to this period. 

There is of course more. Allegedly Innocent IV had written a letter for the election of a new Great Khan  sending William as Ruysbroeck as his envoy. But this is way too soon and would make the voyage of Carpini and William of Ruysbroeck towards the same election. 

It is obvious that the conflict between Innocent IV and Frederic II is of a later date and there is a shift of approx. 50 years and some popes have been inserted at a later date. All of them living in Northern Italy and not in Rome. We may well assume that Innocent IV and Innocent III were much closer together. And Frederic's relation with Innocent III was better as that with his successor. 

That is of course if Innocent III did not exactly die but left after the foundation of Western Papacy had been set and we are convinced of exactly that. And Frederic II as Batu Khan's falconer had much to with it. 

Then of course a lot of re-writing of historical and genealogical records would have been needed at exactly this time. 

Frederic IIs birth in a
Mongol dome tent under
the banner of the white and blue Horde
And of course it does explain Frederic II's behaviour towards the Church and the Pope in particular. Frederic II then knew very well that the Pope, behind all rhetoric, was not more than a very local Western fief lord, sustained by forces the Pope himself could not exactly have fully understood and largely at odds with the geographical  power structure at exactly this time. The world at large was owned by the East. And Frederic II and a few initiates seemed to have been the only ones to have grasped it. 

Also do note that from this time until 1500s the Roman Emperor had very little to with the city of Rome. The king of the Romans allegedly lived in Germany. As such the weapon of the Eagle looked Westwards. Frederic II then was Emperor of the Western block of the empire and in name the protector of the three Western power blocks England, France and Spain.

Such a division existed also over the large east-west section across Eurasia. Europe, the white and blue Hordes and the Mongol Great Khanate.   

Saturday 13 October 2012

What happened?

13th Century. 
What really happened?

Our western history has quite a few focus points, which it deems as turning points and historical moments in the shaping of our (western) world. It may be the founding of Rome or Greece or the middle ages or the Reformation. But rarely your attention will be brought to the Mongol conquest of Europe. 

And yet to me it seems the most important event world-wide as well the root cause the for Renaissance to happen. It also constituted the first world wide war. 

Borjijid family empire. 'the Firm'

A look at the map shows that in one or two generations time the whole world had changed and not to the advantage of Europe. You may say that the mongols had stood at the borders of Germany, but it seems obvious from the facts that these borders weren't even located at the eastern side what is now Germany. But thanks to the diplomacy of Frederic II the impression was well maintained that something like a Holy German Roman empire was functioning independently within the framework. The borders were well beyond Aachen and at the borders of France. 

In fact it left only Central Italy, Spain, France en England and Whales unconquered, an amazing small region compared to the rest of the Eurasian continent  for the Papacy of those days to claim any sort of Lordship of the whole world. Allegedly that is what history claimed they did at exactly this time. 

And yet we are let to believe that Batu Khan left with his task in the family business - to conquer the region westward -  almost achieved allegedly helping out for the rest of his life his cousins and brothers at the eastside of his Ulus. (domain).

Let us first turn the 'facts' as conveyed by our western interpretation of events.:

1. The great Ogedai Khan, son of Genghis Khan and brother of Jochi Khan Batu Khan's father had died and a successor would be elected as only family members would be eligible. 

2. Subutai of Uriankhi, Batu Khan's general and youth protegee of Ghengis Khan with Turkish family roots - proving the Borjijids' origin was only later safely transported into Mongolia - who was the mastermind behind Batu Khan's campaigns advised Batu Khan to stop and attend the Kuraltai (meeting) en become elected himself.

3. The sons of Ogedai Khan kept postponing the election for a long time especially Guyuk, in order to keep the office in the family of Ogedai Khan, for which reason Batu Khan found himself in a catch 22 situation and out of frustration gave up European plans and made himself useful for the family enterprise later - as did his general - fighting in East Siberia and China.

4. There they established a barbarian Mongol culture inferior to everything that further happened in Europe.

So far so good.. 

1. From the report of Piano Carpini though it appears that Batu Khan was the intermediate stop on the journey of this friar to the election (or self instalment) of Guyuk Khan son of Ogedai. Carpini first visited the Northern Eastern and German princes to investigate their being prepared to detach themselves from tribute to the Great Khan and Batu Khan - apart from being privy to that and doing nothing to stop it - did send him onwards towards the Kuraltai making it very clear he himself had no intention in going. 

2. It was not the sons of Ogedai, but his widow acting as regent, who kept postponing the elections, obviously because of the age of Ogedai's sons. 

3. Batu Khan's strategy seemed to be to wait and let the situation at the court of the Great Khan deteriorate, but finally after three years did intervene and had the widow poisened. Not to become Great Khan himself. He still - also according to a European source, this time William of Ruysbroeck - was not interested and the only family member not present. Many members of the family as was the mother of Tolui Khan the youngest son of Genghis Khan turned to Batu Khan for a final break through and Tolui Khan and his sons continued the office of Great Khan. His sons and Batu Khan's sons established the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate in the middle east resulting in above dead-lock of Western Europe. 

There is a very good reason why Batu Khan and Subutai his general in these years did not take up their further conquest of Europe. It would have proved not to be a good strategy to do that at this stage. They would only have brought the whole of Europe under the influence of the Great Khan, whereas it was abundantly clear that there was no suitable recognition for themselves. 

Batu Khan knew that as son of Jochi Khan his family clan would never achieve prominence in the eyes of the other side of the family branch. But he himself or Subutai having any further career on the east side of the empire is to put it mildly apocryphal

There is also a slight possibility that in this period Batu Khan and his general Subutai, who really could claim most of the credit, had some differences of opinion. 

But I have another theory, which is worthy of exploration. Whilst Batu Khan was waiting and exercised a papal sort of political and spiritual role Subutai did not entirely desist from the expansion of the empire. Subutai then was the identity of the ancestor of Robert the Bruce and with William the conqueror established base in Scotland. William the conqueror then was a shadow crossbreed between the 'norman' Batu and Subutai's brother Jelme of Uryankhi inserted later into British early history 

This left four regions open in Europe Iberia, the central region in Italy, France and the southern part of the British Isles or Avalon (Alban). 

XVI century map of Area between
Black and Caspian Sea

According to the above map the names of these regions were not original European names.  Albania (Alban) is the old name Albion for England. The name England itself came from the last Byzantine Emperors the Angelos, who fled to England. Iberia is next to it. Also Spain derives from Hispania or Chaspian. The name France comes from the Franks which was another name for the Greeks.  The names are copies of the namges of the region from which the Uryankhis (Orange) originated. 

Apparently Batu Khan - with his general Subutai and his own set of motivs - had decided upon a whole different strategy for Europe.  A strategy which gave Batu Khan a chance to turn the table on the prospects of his own family branch, the Jochids. Moreover - and here they proved to be political geniuses - they would postpone judgement on what culture should govern the Golden Horde, by establishing three kinds of dystinct competing regions, all three though under the spiritual direction and authority of the spiritual Vice-King within the Horde, Batu Khan. 

What Subutai and Batu Khan did in their own reserved domain for Western Europe again was a copy what the Great Khan had done with the whole Northern region of the world, dividing it into three sections to be governed by three different sections of the Borjijid family.

Out of Subutai's region would grow the Stewarts, closely related to the Oranges and Anjous in France. Iberia would soon be incorporated into the Holy German Roman empire and compete with the Papacy for political power, whereas France maintained its own typical orthodox jewish/greek form of Catholicism for a long time. 

Batu Khan himself probably from this period towards his death has lived a double role. He changed as easily between a papal role in the West - which did not have any stable seat until after the French Avignon period - and a priestly kingly role as representative of Genghis Khan (vicarius dei) in the East. Batu Khan then was the first real double agent, a role he played to perfection.

"The commandment of the eternal God is, in Heaven there is only one eternal God, and on Earth there is only one lord, Chingis Chan. This is word of the Son of God, Demugin, (or) Chingis 'sound of iron.' "

"This is what is told you. Wherever there be a Mo'al, or a Naiman, or a Merkit or a Musteleman, wherever ears can hear, wherever horses can travel, there let it be heard and known; those who shall have heard my commandments and understood them, and who shall not believe and shall make war against us, shall hear and see that they have eyes and see not; and when they shall want to hold anything they shall be without hands, and when they shall want to walk they shall be without feet: this is the eternal command of God.

"This, through the virtue of the eternal God, through the great world of the Mo'al, is the word of Mangu Chan to the lord of the French, King Louis, and to all the other lords and priests and to all the great realm of the French, that they may understand our words. For the word of the eternal God to Chingis Chan has not reached unto you, either through Chingis Chan or others who have come after him.

He could as easily slip into the role of Innocent III als prester John, whose legacy would live on in the Tibetan Dalai Lama.  

Sunday 23 September 2012

William van Ruysbroeck

William van Ruysbroeck

There exists another account of a FranciscRan Friar who was sent by papal authority to the court of the great Khan.  Where Carpini tells us more about the reason for his mission, Ruysbroeck relates more of the culture he encounters, although his intent is to flatter the French King.. 

When-ever his accounts conflict with our present day perception of events historians will down-play its importance, but as with Carpinis report: Let us take them for what they are first, eye-witness accounts with various layers of editing during the passing of centuries. 

Carpini's report explains in detail that his journey led him through Poland, Bohemia, Germany, Loadia (Latin empire of Byzantium) and Campania on his way back, leaving very little doubt as to where the court of the great Khan actually was. No further than Russia and certainly not North of China. 

William van Ruysbroeck's mission leads him on his way to the court on pretty much the same journey, although  on his way back he takes a more Southern route. From the court of Batu Khan to the court of the great Khan he relates how far it actually was, but details regarding the scenery are missing. It appears that William of Ruysbroeck's tale was updated at a later stage to create the impression that the great Khans were Far East Asians, whereas we know that Mong(us) was the same word as Magn(us) meaning 'great' and was no geographical indication at all.

Carpini wanted to assess the readyness of the Middle European Princes to break away from the great Khan of the Mongols and it appears from his tale that he didn't have any fear of Batu Khan becoming privy of this aspect of his mission. Quite to the contrary actually and Batu Khan gives Carpini his full support. Would that not indicate that Batu Khan's strategy and that of the papacy of the time was quite the same? And moreover if Carpini was acting as envoy of the Pope in assessing the readyness of Middle Eastern Princes, would he not report back to the Pope BEFORE advancing towards his final destiny to the court (and elections of the new) Khan? 

But the one he is reporting to in this respect is none other than Batu Khan! Was Batu Khan perhaps not in reality still in the Balkans? And did he not there have his court so very much like the papacy of these days constantly moving from city to city in regions north of Italy? And was not Batu Khan at very good terms with the Franciscan order? 

From Carpini's tale it becomes obvious that he was used as an envoy to be present at the elections of the next great Khan. 

These though were the elections, which Batu Khan supposedly had used as an excuse to stop with his conquest of Europe! 

Let us now return to Ruysbroeck's description of the culture of the great Khans..

1. Nowhere have they fixed dwelling-places, nor do they know where their next will be.

Nor did the papacy in these days until their stay in Avignon. Moreover the Vatican is shaped like a round tent and its colour is yellow, the colour of the Golden Horde.

2. When they have fixed their dwelling, the door turned to the south, they set up the couch of the master on the north side. The side for the women is always the east side, that is to say, on the left of the house of the master, he sitting on his couch his face turned to the south. The side for the men is the west side, that is, on the right. Men coming into the house would never hang up their bows on the side of the woman.

Western Churches are facing to the East (the land of the great Khan), but similarly has two rows of pews where in the Middle Ages men and women sat apart. Women on the left, Men on the right. 

women to the left
3. And over the head of the master is always an image of felt, like a doll or statuette, which they call the brother of the master: 

As do the popes.

4. Then an attendant goes out of the dwelling with a cup and liquor, and sprinkles three times to the south and all corners of the earth.  

Alas, the mongols used a white liquor, which they called cosmos, the West will use holy water.

5. As to their marriages, you must know that no one among them has a wife unless he buys her; 

No different from the Renaissance popes. Moreover the Kossack army soldiers were not allowed to marry, but care solely for the interest of the Ordu.  It is no co-incidence that the  celibacy obligation arises after the Mongol conquest of Europe. 

6. As to their justice you must know that when two men fight together no one dares interfere, even a father dare not aid a son ; 

Until the 19th century no-one dared to interfere with a duel, as especially amongst the nobility this was a customary practise to settle disputes.

7. They make also pyramids to the rich, that is to say, little pointed structures. 

This is peculiar indeed. But especially initiates in the West love this kind of burial.

8. They consider themselves the masters of the world and it seems to them that there is nothing that anyone has the right to refuse them: if he refuses to give, and after that has need of their service, they serve him badly. 

This needs no further explanation. The claims of the papacy arise exactly around this time. 

9. And they prostrated themselves, the forehead to the ground, according to the fashion of the Nestorians, and after that they touched all the images with their right hand, always kissing their hand after touching them; and after this they gave their right hands to all the bystanders in the church. 

Interesting this admission that the Mongols were no pagans. Moreover compare with the catholic customs and the custom of modern popes to kiss the ground.

10. from Persia and other regions of the south, are brought to them silken and golden stuffs and cloth of cotton, which they wear in summer. . And they always make in winter at least two fur gowns, one with the fur against the body

Higher clergy's vestments are made of silk and the papal vestments include fur against the body. 

11. When I saw the ordu of Baatu, I was astonished, for it seemed like a great city stretched out about his dwelling, with people scattered all about for three or four leagues. And as among the people of Israel, where each one knew in which quarter from the tabernacle he had to pitch his tents, so these know on which side of the ordu they must place themselves when they set down their dwellings. A court (curia) is orda in their language, and it means "middle," for it is always in the middle of the people, with the exception, however, that no one places himself right to the south, for in that direction the doors of the court open. 

The pope's court is called curia. 

12. We were first taken to a certain Saracen, who gave us no food. 

Nestorians and Saracens were living at equal measure in Russia of that epoch. In fact they were the old orthodox form of Christianity.

13. I saw Baatu riding with all his horde (turba); and all the heads of families were riding with him.

In Roman Catholicism each family of importance has a cardinal as head of their family, who was part of the curia and accompanied the popes.

14. After traveling twelve days from the Etilia, we found a great river.

Here  may very well lay the original source for the name Italy, which only arose after the unification of the former city republics. It is the original location of the family of the Jochid's (father of Batu Khan) above the Caspian Sea (also called lake of Tiberias or Holy Sea!). Their main city was Atle and from it derived their Atlantean society, which hence indeed was located behind the pillars of Hercules (at the time the Bosperus). Also the origin of the legend of the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece.

15. After that we entered the plain in which was the ordu of Keu Chan, and which used to be the country of the Naiman, who were the real subjects of that Prester John. When Keu Chan died, Baatu wanted Mangu to be Chan.

The Naimans were the Normans and it is revealing that William van Ruysbroeck associates these people living North West of where he claimed to be with Prester John, whom he subsquently claims to live in the far East beyond Siberia. But he is adamant Prester John was a brother of the recently died Khan. Hence Prester John allegedly was a Borjigid. In fact it becomes apparant the Baatu himself was none other than this prester John and William of Ruysbroeck appears to have the intention to do away with the legend once and for all (in the XVIs century editions that is). 

16. Hence this shameful custom prevails among them, that sometimes a son takes to wife all his father's wives, except his own mother; for the ordu of the father and mother always belongs to the youngest son, so it is he who must provide for all his father's wives who come to him with the paternal household, and if he wishes it he uses them as wives, for he esteems not himself injured if they return to his father after death. 
.. So this Keu being dead, Mangu was elected by the will of Baatu, 

Mangu was the youngest son of Ghengis Khan. Baatu Khan corrects the choice of his grand father. And it is very interesting he didn't claim any rights himself as son of Jochi, eldest son of Ghengis Khan. Our historians then have some serious misunderstanding regarding the motives of Batu Khan to stop the conquest of Europe. Batu Khan stopped because he has established his rights as (religious and worldy) lord of the West. But he used the West in his plans against the brothers of Jochi (except the youngest!). And as some sort of Prester of John he still had the authority to lay down the choice of Mangu Khan as next great Khan. (and this all with the presence of a papal envoy at the elections!).

It is obvious that the split of the Roman Papacy, called reformation in our history books is of later date and resulted in a Roman Papacy asserting itself against much of the rest of the world and a Rosecrucian tradition of  St. John (the baptist) referring to this same Prester John type, which may very well refer to Batu Khan himself. As covert grand master of the Rosecrucian Order this function continued until the present day.  

Sunday 26 August 2012

Similarities End/Start of Middle Ages.

Similarities 13th-15th century and 3rd-5th century.

13th-15th century3rd-5th century
- Papacy putting forward Sunday against rest of Arian Europe holding to the Sabbath. Pope Victor dealing with Easter issues- Pope Victor holding Sunday against the rest of the church holding to the Sabbath
- The mongul invastion of Europe. Byzantine Emperor Leo standing up against them.- Pope Leo holding up against Attila the Hun.
- Pope Martin in Avignon. Split of Papacy in different factions- St. Martin in Lyons splitting his mantle.
- The Byzantine court moved to Nicea, forced out of Constantinople by the the establishment of the Latin Empire of Byzantium.- Council of Nicea where the most important creed in the universal church is decided upon without any presence of a Roman Pope
- Removal against paintings and statues from late medieval churches in protestant Northern Europe.- Resistance against icon worship in Eastern Churches.
- Move of entire populations from Russia into Western Europe- Move of entire populations from Russia into Western Europe
- Francis of Assissi & the poor- The early Church, relatives of Jesus, desposini 'the poor'
- Invasion of England by the Normans- Invasion of England by the Romans
- Petrarch inventing the Middle Ages (dark period)- Plutarch Greek historian
- Pletin reviving Neo Platonism - Plotinus reviving Platonism as Neo-Platonism
- Discourse between Platonism and Scholasticism- Discourse between Platonism and Aristoteles teachings
- Petrarch inventing the Middle Ages (dark period)- Plutarch Greek historian
- The dispute results in scepticism- The dispute results in scepticism
- Cathedral of Cologne built- Cathedral of Cologne allegedly began in IVth century
- Shroud of Turin- Shroud of Veronica (Theron)
- Establishment of Monastic Orders- Establishment of Monastic Orders
- Dionysus Petavius Chronologist- First Chronologist Dionysius

Saturday 11 August 2012



There exists an interesting account of communication between the Papacy and the Great Khan. Admittedly the contents of the presented letters - if they are real - does not go much further as primary school kids claiming their father is better and stronger than the others. Politically speaking the reply of great Khan Guyuk to Innocent IV's demand for submission was the more realistic one. 

"Thanks to the power of the Eternal Heaven, all lands have been given to us from sunrise to sunset. How could anyone act other than in accordance with the commands of Heaven?  Now your own upright heart must tell you:  "We will become subject to you, and will place our powers at your disposal." You in person, at the head of the monarchs, all of you, without exception, must come to tender us service and pay us homage; then only will we recognize your submission. But if you do not obey the commands of Heaven, and run counter to our orders, we shall know that you are our foe.

That is what we have to tell you. If you fail to act in accordance therewith, how can we forsee what will happen to you? Heaven alone knows."

But more interesting is the behaviour of the Fransican Friar John Plano Carpini. In his official account, where the many inaccuracies betray that all is not what it seems in this papal mission, he first makes his way to the court of Batu Khan himself. 

He reaches his court after failed attempts to unite eastern Monarchs and Princes in an eventual rebellion against the Monguls. Strangely enough Carpini is received rather well by Batu Khan, who is read the contents of the letter (!) and agrees with its contents and sends the mission forward to the newly to be elected and installed great Khan.

Batu Khan is the only prince who did NOT participate in the elections and did NOT pay tribute towards the newly to be installed great Khan. And that is strange, because quite a number of the monarchs previously polled by Carpini did attend the ceremony as vasals of the great Khan. 

This rises the question. Was Batu Khan politically astute or was he not? History shows he was, because the family enterprise the Genghis Khan dynasty was falling apart shortly afterwards. And we must not forget that Batu Khan was just one of the many sons of Jochi Khan, who were amongst the tribute paying vasal princes present. 

More interesting again is the fact Carpini also acts as a representative of Batu Khan during his stay in Karakorum. It must not have helped him...

We must not forget. It was the previous great Khan Ogedai who had given Batu Khan the mission to conquer the west. Allegedly - although strategically entirely incredible - he left that task in 1242 having succeeded half way and sure of success, because Ogedai died and Batu Khan stopped his undertaking to participate in the election and perhaps become great Khan himself. 

But strangely enough the family princes, although positive towards Batu's merits, attributed his success to the skills of his General Subutai. (in more than one way resembling Salladin). And now barely a few years later, still at the same elections held up by Ogedai's widow acting as regent, we see Batu Khan having no interest in any participation in any election of a great Khan whatsoever and not even being present. But also  not interested in any further conquest of Europe either.  

Carpini in the mean time excused Batu for not being present at the election of next great Khan and indeed it seems that Batu Khan had sent Carpini with Yaroslav of Novgorod to excuse him not being present. And as an interesting reminder towards the new great Khan of some form of competition.

This leaves the interesting question whether Carpini was not in one way or another the Ambassador to Karakorum for Batu Khan. In the meantime it is also good to emphasize that the alleged Innocent IV was not in Rome at the time of this mission. 

He stayed at Lyon at the border to where Batu Khan had approached in 1242. And there he still was, when Carpini returned from his mission to the east. It seems Batu Khan indeed had other plans than become a great Khan himself. And it is no co-incidence that around this time the Papacy shapes itself towards the model of the great Khan in the east. In name of the Alpha & Omega or the Aureus Ordu, the golden Horde. After all Batu is the same name as Peter, meaning firm and rock


Saturday 21 July 2012



The rosecrucian movement - these are not organisations after the 18th century that go under a rosecrucian banner - remains active in a certain country for approximately 100 years after which it becomes dormant and rises again in another country. 

Largest tomb of
Christianity. Why
a heretic Pope?
1417 Florence

The movement set up in Florence with the focus of activity in Germany as revenge for the treatment of John XXIII by the catholic Emperor. Focus is on guiding the Renaissance. The Florentine Church of John the Baptist is a magnificent Monument and testimony to the level of skills and artistry of this time. The Renaissance would put this level of artistry forwards in time and all other artistry backwards in time to create an illusion of superiority. Venice and Florence created the corporate model and for this entirely new words and languages had to be created. Latin was established as code of law.

1517 Germany

The creation of Protestantism not to be understood as anti-Catholicism but as political counter-weight to direct the political goals of the Papacy and keep them on track of the 'golden Horde'.

1617 the Netherlands

William of Orange is welcomed in Brussels as liberator and embodiment of the Republic of the Provinces of the Netherlands. Setup to the model of the republic of Florence and Venice, which is the corporate model. The image is full of symbolism, including the hand of William of Orange, which is held against the chest partly under his vestment concealing the thumb. William of Orange is here displayed as the nautonnier carrying on the legacy of anti-Pope John.

1717 England
Robert Fludd and
Ignatius of Loyola

Organisation of the free masonic movement as a movement for 'ordinary' people answering to an unknown architect as United Grand Lodge of England and creation of Royal Society for Sciences incorporating normal people and human achievement.
Note that Ignatius of Loyola's Jesuits are created by Cardinals from Venice to stear Roman Catholics in the same direction. But they also represent an attempt by the Papacy to coupe control from the Rosecrucian movement.

1817 France

Organisation of public civil law. People become civilians and herewith are incorporated. To incorporate the Papacy into the same model Napolean kidnapped and held for prisoner Pope Pius VI. Consequently incorporation and then emancipation of the Papacy. Napoleon's hiding of his full hand makes it the more obvious. 

1917 United States of America

The 20th century focus on the Incorporation of America and the unification of Europe. Until very recently the American Presidents didn't warm up to hand signs, they meant business. To avoid detection, but also because it really wasn't their piece of cake, American Corporates and Presidents are portraited only with their heads only. But America was from the beginning setup as a Rocecrucian Eutopia to the model of Florence and the Netherlands.

John XXIII 2nd.
For a brief time the Papacy and the Rosecrucian movements are combined in the 20th Century. Another John XXIII. 

Carried forward until John Paul II when the Papacy lost the plot again through mismanagement. Benedict XVI is not a Rosecrucian Nauticus. He no longer has the privilege of wearing a Tiara. 

2017 Middle East

Global Corporate Order.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Rosa Crucis

Rosa Crucis

It took 100 years for the rosecrucian movement to go public in the person of Martin Luther in 1517. There is no doubt amongst historians that  the project of the reformation was in essence a rosecrucian one. 

But the view that there was an angle and involvement by cardinals of the Catholic Church at the time will be highly controversial. Yet there was.

Secondly: the breaking down of political and religious blocks was not restricted to Western Europe only. It also happened in the East. The family enterprise of the great Khans was put duly under pressure and China was the first to detach itself from the rest of the family empire preserving most of the great traditions of the great (Mongol) Khans. 

The ulus of the sons of Jochi fell apart in three sections stretching from Siberia to Western Europe down to Turkey if not Egypt. 

Many of the Southern sections became muslims. Western Russian sections split into jewish and nestorian christian sections. 

Each of those religions claim to be much older as they really are. They were formed at this time and their holy books consequently were also formed around this time according to the same blueprints, the muslims finishing theirs first, the jews finishing theirs last.

It is not without cause that the art of printing books was discovered just around this time. 

The blue print for the holy writ was rosecrucian and is still preserved in the teachings of Zarathustra. Which by consequence must have been the religious context of the Golden Horde. 
Florence, John XXIII's grave the largest
tomb at his time...

The rosecrucian movement then was the glue which held together a word falling apart. The order itself was established exactly when the papacy lost control, but on the other hand the order developed within the bosom of its curia. 

How could that have been? 

When Martin V was elected in Konstanz there were three popes in Europe, which were all forced to resign. Technically speaking one of them had to be the real one. That is a matter of interpretation, but we may assume that John XXIII - might not be far off. 

Florence, beheading of John the Baptist
He was not at all hostile towards a changeover to Martin V in the end. That is after he had suffered arrest and imprisonment. 

The Medici in Florence had always believed in his legitimacy and built an enormous memorial to his legacy and dedicated it to John the Baptist. The largest and most impressive tomb at the time the Medici gave a clear message doing this. They were saying that the Church had taken off its real head.

He - Balthasar Cossa - became a cardinal in the roman curia! If there was  any candidate to supervise the rosecrucian enterprise and have sufficient motives for it than it would have been him, assisted by the Medici.  

He then would have become its first grandmaster listening to the name John I or would have installed him. With 22 of those it was indeed interesting that the RC Church in 1958 recaptured the lead with a rosecrucian  becoming pope who took the name John XXIII. 

Some coupe! 

But the question remains: who invaded whom

At any rate from this moment in Florence the Renaissance set in. And I feel here we have arrived at the basic idea of these pages. 

If you want to make the future, recreate the past.

Thursday 24 May 2012

the Mantle of St. Martin

Martin's Mantle

In Avignon the large scheme to create its own version of the great Khanate in Europe stranded. The Western Roman church likes to boast it has created the idea of separation of church and state, but it is not the Papacy which should be given the credit. It should be given to the European monarchs who created the idea to take the pressure out of papal claims of the period. 

France had reduced the pope to a national chaplain and to create an end to that situation the papacy had to be placed in an independant position in European context. That was not easy.

At the end of the Avignon period in 1377 every political power block in Europe had arrived at its own version of the Papacy. Well, the European monarchs must have thought: if it's good for them it can't do us any harm!

In an attempt to deal with the situation the papacy under Gregory XI was transferred to Italian Rome.  Thus Rome existed as a twin entity. Rom(us unam sanctam) and Rom(ulus), the Rome of the ulus of Jochi! Both were nurtured by the wolf or Guelph. And its history in its present form is really only 600 years old. All other claims are fraudulent.

This would have worked if Italian Rome had had any of the claimed splendor of the Roman Empire. 

But there was very little to build on, because until the period of the Latin kingdom of Byzantium the patriarchate for the west had been Ravenna and not Italian Rome. the Roman capital (Rome) had been Constantinople. 

For this reason Rome had to be re-built. This took 40 years and at times there were three popes in all. In a mild subliminal reference to the Khan the issue was settled in the 'place of the Khan' Constanze. 

All three popes were forced to resign and one for all was elected hoping to achieve an all for one: Martin V.

The clock stroke 11 november 1417.

That was an inter- esting name for the one pope for all, because St. Martin of Tours to which the name referred split his mantle in two parts, giving a poor man one halve of the mantle.

And there is another interesting co-incidence too! In Germany the alleged founder of the Rosecrucian movement, one Christian Rosecreutz was allegedly born in 1378. In this context that is an interesting date too. It is saying as much as: 

The Rosecrucian movement was born in 1378, one year after the end of the Avignon period.  

It seems that the symbol of the Rose would remain an open referral to the origins of what Batu Khan had set in motion, namely the White Order of Russia for a new Europe. 

Seeing that the papacy had stranded in family factions and political power struggles of different power blocks the situation was ended by rotating the papacy between the different power and family blocks. 

This would ensure a constant need for reform. 

To ensure some sense of direction and unity behind it all an esoteric and hidden society was created with the Rosecrucian movement.

It was RC (Rose Crucian) movement against RC (Roman Catholic) movement. Still, bear in mind that at that time the Roman Catholic church did not  resemble what the church is today, although it brought from Avignon its structure of the Curia, Cardinals and Novus Ordo. It even did not have that bastion of Tridentine Mass yet, so representative of full confident Roman Catholicism. 

It was also esoteric against exoteric Christianity. But as open power structure the movement of Batu Khan (Vatican) had stranded. 

In Italian Rome a bold new direction for Europe was set in motion. Entirely solitary and isolated from the rest of the world. Europe had escaped the clutches of the Mongol (great) order of the East.  

At least seemingly so.

Is it a coincidence that Rome translates to 'Russian Order of the Great (Mongol) Empire?' Just see it as a meaningful joke.  To safeguard the interests in the outcome of the whole enterprise the Rosecrucian Movement was created. For this purpose it needed to enlist in its membership European intellect. That policy it would succeed rather well. 

A constantly blundering papacy would guarantee this success!

With the goal in the long run to reclaim the Papacy. 

In this context it is only interesting to note that Pope Martin must have realised what the split of the mantle would have referred to. But on the other hand, it is entirely possible that he didn't. 

Friday 18 May 2012

Europe's heritage

Europe in the 14th Century

Europeans like their outward looking attitude. The idea that civilization has started with us and has firm roots in an ancient Roman empire gradually through a renaissance incorporating the rest of the world by proxy is firmly rooted in our version of history.

But in the 14th century things looked rather different and only diplomacy has saved Europe from an entire different course of events...

Let us have a look at the map!
the golden, white and blue horde
This is roughly the situation any historian will admit to, because it concurs with our chronology and our version of events. 

It is roughly true, but nevertheless a few things are not included in this version. A few things aren't told.

This is the situation of the 16th century. This Russian empire was the heritage of the sons of Jochi Khan. But in the 13th century the sons of Jochi hadn't yet separated themselves from the Great Khanate. And with Kublai Khan becoming and emperor of China and Great Khan  actually the whole of Asia and most of Europe was subject to the Great Khan. 

It is only because severe weather changes from 900AD until 1300AD had prevented this empire to include the American continent that this continent remained firmly established in an ancient order.  But still the similarities of this order with the old order in the rest of the world remains too obvious to ignore.

Which means western Europe was isolated against the rest of the world and it should not be ignored that  Batu Khan could have conquered it if he had wanted to do that.  

There is probably only one thing, which has saved Europe from that fate: 

The fact that Jochi's sons were treated inferior to the other sons of Genghis Khan and the firm belief in Jochi's heritage that in fact they were superior to them. 

Jochi's sons had better connections and more cultural roots exactly because of the reason they were treated badly by the rest of the 'family-firm'. Jochi's genetic roots included the heritage of Byzantium as well as Genghis Khan!

One of the most important mistakes our historians make is to depict the clan of Jochi and Genghis Khan as Mongols. I agree with Fomenko's discovery that mongol really means great. 

Place yourselves in the shoes of Batu Khan. Why conquer this last remnant of the world to be conquered and place it at the feet of his uncle? And become a Khanate amongst the Khanates?

Family firm of Great Khan
For and on behalf of the family who would never accept Jochi's sons on equal basis? 

The other option would have been for Batu Khan to actually not conquer the rest of Europe, but model it after his own heritage and establish a superior culture? 

And with the diplomacy of the European princes and the Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick Batu Khan was pushed in an entirely new direction, namely spiritual leadership of Europe. 

Whereas Batu Khan would have thought he now had spiritual and political authority (by the way the names Peter and Batu are the same and both mean firm, strong, rock) in fact it set in motion a centuries long struggle between papacy and monarchy. 

Another mistake historians make with regard to the Khans of the Horde is to depict them as savages and uncivilized as they did with the Vikings. 

They were brutal and left not much choice: 
Submit and co-operate or die!

But they had a talent of using and enhancing the skills and civilization of their subjects and hence brought with them things to Europe, which Europe hadn't seen before. 

- Architecture
- Splendour
- Literature
- Curia (government)
- Postal services

Europe didn't discover new building techniques after the cruscades through some accidental find by knight templars under some temple in Jeruzalem. They were - as previously the Vikings had done - brought by the Horde of Batu Khan. 

Old St. Nicolas Church
RC Nicolas Church
For which reason the Hanse cities were built with the same structures as in Russia. 

Look at St. Nicholas church (right) in Amsterdam. The towers are Russian. 

Although built later the Oude Kerk (above) in Amsterdam still is the oldest preserved building in Amsterdam and was dedicated to St. Nicolas in 1306 by Guy van Avesnes. St. Nicholas never did originate from Spain. He is a Russian Orthodox Saint! 

Europe built - apart from Roman Viking churches - with wood at the time. Europe hardly had any cities of note. Batu Khan brought splendour with him and established the first Universities in Europe. These orders are now attributed to Innocent III. 

For the new order of things a new language had to be invented to deal with all legal new words and entities. This was Latin. It is not a co-incidence that its structure is similar to Russian. But then you may well argue which one is first: the chicken or the egg?

And last but not least. The way of government was brought by Batu Khan also, because curia is the russian word kuren. It still is preserved in the way of government of the Vatican, really only established in Italy after the period of Avignon. 

To communicate in such a wide empire a form of postal services was developed. In those days a letter would travel 200km per day. For this reason most Euopean capital cities form concentric circles 200km apart and the epicentre of these circles?


This world-wide empire though was short-lived. Through internal struggle and the struggle between the sons of Jochi and the rest of the great Khanate the empire would fall apart in different sections.

And that's the final mistake our historians make. The reformation is not a phenomenon which appeared in Europe only. At that time the whole world fell apart politically and religiously. The eastern world fell apart in Orthodox (nestorian) Christian, Muslim and Buddhism factions. The western world in Protestantism and Catholicism. 

It all happened at the same time and for the same reasons. But still even Catholicism, but also Islam and the Jewish religion at the time were far from what they would develop into during the 17th century. For which reason the muslims in this period of time really were just another form of the Nestorian creeds in the east.

That being the case Europe was confronted with an excellent opportunity! Since the weather had blocked out the Americans from the great Khanate,  Europe now saw a chance at paving its way to a superior place in the world. 

Isolated through the falling apart of the great empire Europe now started with the discovery of America. And at that with a complete rewrite of its own version of history.