Saturday 17 March 2012

Jochi's dream

The Ulus of Jochi

The eldest son of Genghis Khan was held back from following his father as Great Khan, due to doubts with regard to who his father was. Allegedly his mother, BÖrte, had been kidnapped before his birth and his brothers duly felt he was not one of theirs. Historically this kidnap is portrayed to be by the chief of a minor tribe, but the story does not hold the icing on the cake. 

We feel the exact circumstances of the event is very well reflected in the story of Abram and Sarai. Before Pharao Abram pretends to be Sarai's brother and Sarai, a very beautiful woman in the eyes of Pharao actually becomes Pharaos wife. At the moment Sarai is with issue, Abram reveals the state of affairs to Pharao - apparently no longer fearing for his life, although he now has added fraud to the list of offences and Abram and Sarai are promptly dismissed. The deceit in the old Testament is cleverly concealed by making Sarai 90 years old and putting 13 years between the birth if Isaac en Abram's real son Ishmael. Later it becomes apparent that Isaac and Ishmael were born with one year of each other. The story does not hold the icing on the cake. Isaac was Abram's way into the inheritance of Pharao so to speak. 

Jochi Borjid
note the 'Roman' greeting
Jochi then was the Borjid's clan inheritance to the legacy and blood line of Byzantium and of course Jochi's appearance will have differed quite substantially from that of his brothers. But for Genghis Khan that was no reason to not regard Jochi as his own son. His brothers thought differently and Jochi for that reason became a minor Khan between the Ulus of the Great Khan in the East and Byzantium and Genghis's third son Ögedei received his legacy  

But that was no reason for Jochi to waste his other inheritance, apart from the fact that nobody knew about it. To reclaim that inheritance will take a lot of strategy and that became the legacy of the family. The task and duty of 'the blood' so to speak. 

Jochi (B)orjid then is the blueprint for the non-historical character  of Jacob and in his wrestle with Esau (the wolfs clan of the Borjids) Jochib becomes Israel. 

Jochi has 14 sons and one daughter, which resembles Jacob's 12 sons (and Ephraim and Manasse) and one daughter. The name Isaac in the bible story is  Yesügei , Jochi's grand father. 

Jochi will organise his sons into four armies of three chiefs who press the boundaries of the Golden Horde into four directions: North, East, South and West. For the time being two chiefs without land will stay behind - probably - in Kiev and for that reason Kiev will be modelled after Constantinople. 

Batu Khan takes the lead westwards. Allegedly, in our history books this mission did not result in any success due to the death of the great Khan in the East. But Batu Khan approached well beyond the boundaries of Hungary and to withdraw solely to go back, because the Great Mongol Khan had died does not look like sound strategy. Why would the son of Jochi succeed where his father was rejected, a scar which still soared? 

And how likely is it that European princes - kings paying tribute to the Emperor (Khan) - could deal with two exorbitant claims at the time. That of a victorious Batu Khan and that of Pope Innocent III? Namely to be 'the lord of the world'. Not only are the claims similar, but the reluctant submission of the European princes was also similar. 

Would it not likely be so that Batu Khan had arrived at his own version of the 'great Khanate'? The great Khanate in the East for the time being outside the reach of the Jochi Borjid family? 
Slavic Pope

Then it may very well be so that Innocent III, the real founder of the Papacy, was none other than Batu Khan. No valid formal papal documents exist before this Pope with his unusual claims. But more unusual is the begrudged acceptance of them by the European nobility.  

BatuKhan. Note the tulban
and his slavic appearance
It has to be said though that at this stage Batu Khan did not reside in Rome yet as this seat was actually established after the period of Avignon. As a token of reminder the Pope's residence was called 'the Vatican'. Probably Batu Khan's (or Innocent III) residence was first located at Sarajevo and was Batu Khan at this stage not a catholic, but at best an Arian and more likely an adherent to Islam (not to be confused with modern Islam). That is: the Pope's principle objectors in those days were the catholic princes, which indeed confirms to classical history rather well. The situation is only rather poorly understood. 

Innocenti PP no. III
It comes  not as a surprise then, that Innocent's (alleged) remains were not buried in Rome at all, but were brought to Rome by Pope Leo XIII in the 19th century!

Note his slavic/byzantine features in the fresco and the text in the fresco. Innocenti .PP. III! Does Batu Khan not count backwards to Genghis Khan? 

'The lord of the world?' no. III?

Which gives ample thought to all the II's and III's before Innocent. Does this mean that there were no popes before him? Not at all, but they were attached to the Byzantine tradition and lived in Alexandrie, for which reason the Coptic Patriarch still is called Pope to this very day. With Innocent a whole new brand of papacy started in the West, for which reason the eagle in the image above and Innocent himself look westward. This of course immediate invalidates a claim to 'catholicism', because Batu Khan's assignment was in the west. On behalf of the golden Horde of Jochi, for which reason Vatican's colour to date is yellow...

Friday 2 March 2012

The British Edda

In the far off Iceland over eight centuries ago parchment manuscripts were found which well anticipated the stories of the Old Testament written in epic verse a couple of hundreds of years before Shakespeare wrote his plays and the King James version of the bible appeared. 

Know ye yet the edda
know ye yet it all?

It tells the story of Adam and Eve in a form which is much more historical as the stories of the Old Testament. Having come to life magnificently in the edition by L.A. Waddell he even comments: "The edda is historic, not only in the sense in which epic poetry in general is historic." "The historicity of the Eddic personages and events is attested both by pre-Roman British monuments and coins and by the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Hittite, Phoenician, Egyptian, Indian and Greek inscribed sculptures and literary remains."

Adam Thor
Adam's world is a gothic world centred around the foundation of the city of Troyes at the Bosporus, which Adam-Thor as the historical king Dardanus founded and from which he spread his mission of parliamentary government and scientific education to the human races of his day: Dwarfs, Edenites, Asas (Goths),
Elfs,  Brimis, Bluelegs, Lyons and Wolves.

How shall we shield the dwarfs
and shape them into people
Both from the Brimis blood
and from the blue legs. (scene III)

   The Dwarf chiefs were the first to be admitted to the Parliament (or round table) and the Edda tells us they were 'O' the Lion kindred'. The goat (later replaced by the Unicorn) and the Lion are the oldest heraldic symbols and very much connected to the Byzanthine Empire, with its capital Troy or Constantinople. 

The Asas hit upon
 the Vale of (Mount) Ida
A Holy Land I see there lying,
nursed by the Asa and their Elfs
E'en in Thrud Hame (Troad)
Shall the Thor race be
until the ripping up
of royal rulers

The Hame of Thrud or Jerudz is the capital of the Holy Land Jerusalem! At least according to the Edda!

Then the Edda relates how AdamThor proceeds in civilizing the Wolf tribe or Edenites, who are not so easily subdued. The Wolf chief Wodan with his consort and high priestess Ymi or Gummi.

Early it was of old
that Ymi bigg'd herself in Eden
Aware was she of no sand nor sea
Nor of cool swelling waves
Nor of other trives on earth
Nor of heaven above
Aware was she only of Gunning Gulf

Edenite Wolf 
The Edenites then were a cave dwelling people and the Edda relates that their serpent cult of El was the only religious cult on earth until AdamThor started to give science and light to the various peoples. 

Ymi or Gummi had nuns or vestal virgins gathered around her and the Edda tells how Eve was one of them and it was Ymi who thought out the idea that instead of being colonized by AdamThor it would be better to give Eve, who was considered her daughter, in marriage to AdamThor. 

Eve though was not of Edenite descent, but was a Gothic vestal virgin in the religious cult of Wodan. As high priestess in that cult, she had been one of the wives of the Chief. As a Goth she was tall and beautiful.

Genghis Khan now claims descent from Borte Chino (blue grey wolf) and his wife Gua Maral (beautiful fallow doe). Wodan or Vrodan the Wolf then is none other than Borte Khan the original ancester of the Khans of the family of the Borjids. 

The fallow doe (female deer) did not live in Mongolia, but did originate from Turkey, which is as much as saying that Gua Maral was of Gothic descent. Gua is Even and Mar of El becomes Mar of Ya or Mary.