Saturday 11 February 2012

Similarities between 
Charlemagne en Genghis Khan

There are many similarities between Genghis Khan and Charlemagne, which are striking: Both men have unified their empire and can't decide on a successor amongst their sons. Both divide the empire up into three parts and give each part for their sons to reign over as equals. In both one of the sons gets worked out of his share. For both men historians do not exactly know how they died with rumors from the consequences of a Hunt, fall from a Horse or even a lung disease: pneumonia.

Genghis Khan is by contemporary history regarded as the founder of the Chinese empire, but A. Fomenko makes a very good case in showing that Genghis Khan or Batu-Khan was in fact the founder of the Russian Horde.

And Genghis Khan is no less the Great Prince or Batu Khan! Or if you like the great Man as in Charlemagne.

But how and why came the Great Russian Khan super-imposed on western history to figure as its archetype and represent the start of its history? Or was Austrasia, this name having so little in common with Frankish Princes really in Asia, that is Eastern Asia. Or if you like East Russia? And was Neustria then not New Russia? Let us not forget that even our western history in the end leads the origin of the family of the Pepins to... White Russia!

Like Charlemagne who receives his heritage from his grandfather Charles Martel, Genghis Khan receives his heritage from Khabul Kahn, or again the great Kahn (Khabul = akhbar = great).

Genghis Khan born Temujin Khan married  Börte and
that is not a stretch far from Bertha Charlemagne's mother and wife of Pepin the short. Börte came from Olkhunut or Olgghirat, which contrary to sources who want Genghis Khan to be chinese, was in Hungary or White Russia and that's exactly where Pepin's Bertha's origins are. 

There was a mysterious disappearance of Börte in the form of a kidnap or marriage to a rival party and by now we are no longer surprised that also Pepin's Bertha came into trouble. And as for Börte's son Jochi who allegedly resulted from the liason during the kidnap, also Bertha had to fight for her children's heritage, because of disputed lawfulness. 

But in the end  Börte  became the grand empress of the golden Horde and her son Jochi did become the successor after which Genghis Khan mysteriously disappears from the scene, allegedly having died, but his grave kept unknown.

The golden Horde was a feudal order with local princes paying tribute and 10% taxes to the great Khan. 

A feudal system like this existed in western Europe also, but it was not as unified and solidified as in Russia. Since it was not possible for the russion 'Horde' to politically establish their order outside the borders of its own territory means were established which were essentially commercial. 

For this reason after 1100AD cities developed in Europe, which had a commercial bond with Russia. These were the 'Hanse' cities or the commercial nodes of the Khan. This means that as early as 1100 Russia had the means to establish commercial links, where cities were founded at regular distance from each other.

There remains one 'void' to fill, which we established previously in our research of Charlemagne. This was Charlemagne's link to Rome (italian rome that is) and the Papacy. Have we stumbled here upon the major difference between Charlemagne and the great Khan of Russia? Or does the history of Charlemagne tell us something about an aspect which is lost in what history tells us about Genghis Khan?