Sunday 26 August 2012

Similarities End/Start of Middle Ages.

Similarities 13th-15th century and 3rd-5th century.

13th-15th century3rd-5th century
- Papacy putting forward Sunday against rest of Arian Europe holding to the Sabbath. Pope Victor dealing with Easter issues- Pope Victor holding Sunday against the rest of the church holding to the Sabbath
- The mongul invastion of Europe. Byzantine Emperor Leo standing up against them.- Pope Leo holding up against Attila the Hun.
- Pope Martin in Avignon. Split of Papacy in different factions- St. Martin in Lyons splitting his mantle.
- The Byzantine court moved to Nicea, forced out of Constantinople by the the establishment of the Latin Empire of Byzantium.- Council of Nicea where the most important creed in the universal church is decided upon without any presence of a Roman Pope
- Removal against paintings and statues from late medieval churches in protestant Northern Europe.- Resistance against icon worship in Eastern Churches.
- Move of entire populations from Russia into Western Europe- Move of entire populations from Russia into Western Europe
- Francis of Assissi & the poor- The early Church, relatives of Jesus, desposini 'the poor'
- Invasion of England by the Normans- Invasion of England by the Romans
- Petrarch inventing the Middle Ages (dark period)- Plutarch Greek historian
- Pletin reviving Neo Platonism - Plotinus reviving Platonism as Neo-Platonism
- Discourse between Platonism and Scholasticism- Discourse between Platonism and Aristoteles teachings
- Petrarch inventing the Middle Ages (dark period)- Plutarch Greek historian
- The dispute results in scepticism- The dispute results in scepticism
- Cathedral of Cologne built- Cathedral of Cologne allegedly began in IVth century
- Shroud of Turin- Shroud of Veronica (Theron)
- Establishment of Monastic Orders- Establishment of Monastic Orders
- Dionysus Petavius Chronologist- First Chronologist Dionysius

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